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February 25, 2008


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Reading List

  • Brian Frederiksen: Arnold Jacobs: Song and Wind
    Part biography and part description of Jacob's teaching philosophy and teaching wisdom. I refer to this book when preparing breathing lessons for musicians.
  • Sam Pilafian & Patrick Seridan: Breathing Gym, The
    Interesting and useful breathing exercises. Some of the exercises may need to be modified for younger students.
  • Oliver Sachs: Musicophillia
    Enjoyable read on neurology and music.
  • Kristian Steenstrup: Teaching Brass, 2nd revised edition
    An Interesting read on the theory of playing and teaching brass. I found this book to be helpful in understanding things I already sensed, had been taught and discovered for myself. Includes interesting info on the teaching of Arnold Jacobs.
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  • Museum_night_in_basel
    Here are a few photos of me playing instruments other than the trombone.